Jim Lee 3/4 Facing Remarque on Blank Cover Only: Reservation

Jim Lee 3/4 Facing Remarque on Blank Cover Only: Reservation

  • 0.00 NIS
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This is valid for (1) 3/4 Facing Remarque on a Blank Comic Cover Reservation ONLY. The Remarque must be purchased the day of the event: Friday, July 5th 2024 in Store, before the Remarque can be done.

  • $2000 for a Regular 3/4 Facing Remarque
  • $3000 for Pencil 3/4 Facing Remarque
  • $4000 for Inks 3/4 Facing Remarque

You may reserve a second 3/4 Facing Remarque Reservation if you would like to be added to a secondary 3/4 Facing Remarque Reservation list after the initial list has been completed. 

  • This Remarque can ONLY be done on a Blank Cover.
  • The person getting the 3/4 Facing Remarque must be in store the day of the signing to receive 3/4 Facing Remarque.
  • This 3/4 Facing Remarque is NOT valid for any mail-in reservations
  • Does not include a full body sketch
  • Only Valid for (1) ONE 3/4 Facing Remarque per purchase
  • Only Valid on Friday, July 5th 2024 - not Valid after Friday, July 5th 2024

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Torpedo Comics Accepts Reasonable Offers
Torpedo Comics Accepts Reasonable Offers
Torpedo Comics Accepts Reasonable Offers